Explore our published insights designed to help advance the field’s understanding of what works for English Learners, Dual Language Learners, and Multilingual Learners.

SEAL Brief: Centering Multilingual Families in California Community Schools
Community schools are schools where the resources and voices of the staff, families and community are organized around supporting student success.

SEAL Brief: Promising STEM Practices for ELs/EBs
The California Department of Education will soon release a new Mathematics Framework that could significantly strengthen the pipeline of underrepresented English learners/emergent bilinguals (ELs/EBs) into STEM careers

Early Literacy Development and Instruction for Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Education
Research in bilingual education points to critical characteristics of quality early childhood programs for dual language learners that include their home language and culture, fully engage their families as educational partners, and implement linguistically and culturally responsive approaches.

Literature of Windows & Mirrors Bibliography
A series of wonderful books to be used in a classroom that address gender, race, economic class and family structures.
Latest Presentations

Equitable Literacy Instruction: Ensuring the Science of Reading Works for All Children
Missed the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading’s Webinar on Equity in the Science of Reading? Watch the Recording!

High Quality DLI: Pedagogy, Curriculum, Instruction Webinar Recording
In this webinar, SEAL Associate Director Heather Skibbins joined University of Missouri and Biltmore Preparatory Academy on best practices for dual language programs, from infants to early elementary students. They discussed how to adapt curricula, pedagogy, and instruction for dual language programs, and how to ensure that all instruction and curricula are culturally and linguistically responsive.

Event Follow-Up: Progress and Status of California’s English Learners
SEAL's Executive Director Anya Hurwitz, Ph.D., joined Learning Policy Institute, California State Board of Education, Californians Together, California Department of Education, Stanford Graduate School of Education for a briefing hosted by the Learning Policy Institute on supporting California’s long-term English Learners through the new state dashboard.

Strengthening Family Partnerships to Promote Bilingual Pride at Home and in the Classroom(CABE 2024)
This workshop offers effective practices and strategies to build family partnerships that foster strong community engagement and empower families to take an active role in students’ learning.

Taller para familias – Promoviendo el bilingüismo: Compartiendo nuestras historias (CABE 2024)
Este taller le proveerá herramientas, y estrategias sobre cómo promover el bilingüismo en casa usando las mejores prácticas basadas en la investigación del modelo SEAL
Supporting Bilingualism in Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten (CABE 2024)
This session will explore current research on meeting the needs of young DLLs, particularly in the area of oral language development in both their home language and English.