
Explore our published insights designed to help advance the field’s understanding of what works for English Learners, Dual Language Learners, and Multilingual Learners.

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Centering English Learner/ Emergent Bilingual Students in Literacy Research and Instruction

There is a considerable amount of attention currently on the science of reading, with many states rushing to adopt policies that are purportedly aligned with it.


A P-3 Framework: Centering English Learners

This framework is authored by Dr. Laurie Olsen, provides a vision of an inclusive, equitable P–3 system that draws on EL expertise to create an aligned schooling system responsive to English Learners from early education through the elementary grades.


Building the Supply of Bilingual Teachers in California

Evidence From State Investment Shows Districts Should Look Closer to Home for Bilingual Teacher Candidates


SEAL Brief: Centering Multilingual Families in California Community Schools

Community schools are schools where the resources and voices of the staff, families and community are organized around supporting student success.


Latest Presentations

Taller para familias – Promoviendo el bilingüismo: Compartiendo nuestras historias (CABE 2024)

Este taller le proveerá herramientas, y estrategias sobre cómo promover el bilingüismo en casa usando las mejores prácticas basadas en la investigación del modelo SEAL

Strengthening Family Partnerships to Promote Bilingual Pride at Home and in the Classroom(CABE 2024)

This workshop offers effective practices and strategies to build family partnerships that foster strong community engagement and empower families to take an active role in students’ learning.

Aligning Science of Reading Policies with the Needs of English Learners

On February 8, New America and SEAL will co-hosted a webinar that unpacked the relationship between the Science of Reading and ELs

Elevando las Expectativas: Proporcionándole a cada estudiante un camino hacia el multilingüismo (Spanish webinar)

“Raise the Bar: Lead the World” is the U.S.

Unlocking Potential: Nurturing reading skills and biliteracy in English Learners (GO Public Schools)

Best practices for supporting English Learners with developing as readers and writers

Effective, Integrated, and Responsive ELD for Dual Language Classrooms (La Cosecha 2023 Annual Conference)

Are you struggling to design student-responsive ELD that builds upon what students are learning in Spanish?